iTerm2 vs Terminal

Submitted by Jochus on Thu, 10/05/2012 - 20:43 | Posted in: Mac

I recently installed iTerm2 on my Mac, and I must say: "WOW! What a difference!"

The most popular features for me are:

Split Panes

Divide a tab up into multiple panes, each one of which shows a different session. You can slice vertically and horizontally and create any number of panes in any imaginable arrangement.


iTerm2 comes with a robust find-on-page feature. The UI stays out of the way. All matches are immediately highlighted. Even regular expression support is offered!

Mouseless copy

Use the Find feature to begin searching for text. Press tab to expand the selection to the right or shift-tab to expand the selection to the left. Option-enter pastes the current match.


Map any key to any function. Assign separate functions to each option key--or even remap all the modifier keys. You can customize iTerm2's appearance to suit your needs: enable transparency, background blur, background images, and much more.


Coming from a Unix world? You'll feel at home with focus follows mouse, copy on select, middle button paste, and keyboard shortcuts to avoid mousing.

Growl Support

You can choose to receive Growl notifications of activity, bells, and more. Feel free to let a long job run in the background, secure in the knowledge that you'll know when it's done.

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  • Lines and paragraphs break automatically.
  • You can caption images (data-caption="Text"), but also videos, blockquotes, and so on.
  • Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically.
  • You can enable syntax highlighting of source code with the following tags: <code>, <blockcode>, <bash>, <cpp>, <css>, <html5>, <java>, <javascript>, <php>, <sql>, <xml>. The supported tag styles are: <foo>, [foo].
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